OWLFCAView Tab Plug-in

(For Protégé OWL Ontology)


In the OWLFCAView Tab, we developed a property-oriented way for visualization of OWL ontology in Protégé-2000. We assume that a subset of the domain classes of a property (as the formal objects) with the fillers of its restrictions form a formal context that would interest the users.




The screenshots of the OWLFCAView Tab plug-in are provided here

(screenshot1 and screenshot2)



The OWLFCAView Tab plug-in (Ver 1.0.1) can be downloaded from here.

Last updated: September 10, 2005



The OWLFCAView Tab plug-in is only compiled for protégé-3.1. A manual document is provided here.



Guoqian Jiang (Department of Medical Informatics, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan), who developed the FCAView Tab.

Harold R. Solbrig (Division of BioMedical Informatics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN), who provided us the valuable advices for the OWLFCAView Tab.

Contact to: Guoqian Jiang

